WWI Vocab Study Guide
Alliance-Multiple nations fighting together
· Armistice-A truce
· Austria-Hungary a member of the Central Powers located south of Germany
· Belgium-a neutral country that Germany invaded
· Big Bertha- German Gun
· Blockade-a collection of ships surrounding a port so supplies cannot get in or out
· Bonds-Loans to the government to help fund the war effort.
· Czar-Leader of Russia
· Democracy-a government where the people have representation
· Dugout-an area within a trench which provided shelter to the soldiers
· Enlist-to join the army voluntarily
· Franz Ferdinand-The arch duke whose assassination started WWI
· Food-the British definition of war goods included food. Since this item was included in the definition, many German's starved during the time of the British Blockade
· France-most of the war was fought in France
· German Kaiser Wilhelm II- the LAST Kaiser of Germany
· Harlem Hellfighters- an all Black division of the US army (received the French Military's highest honor)
· Herbert Hoover-the director of the Food Administration that later became president
· Imperialism-the act of taking over others lands
· Lusitania-A British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat because it was believed to carry war goods.
· Mexico-a country that according to the Zimmerman Note might have declared war on America if the US declared war on Germany
· Militarism-the belief of a country that it should maintain a strong military
· Monarchy-a government where the supreme overlord was a King or Queen
· Nationalism-having pride in one's country
· Neutral-A nation not fighting in a war
· Paris-Germany's original goal was to invade this city as quickly as possible
· Pershing-general of the US army
· Propaganda-information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
· Rats-these animals inhabited the trenches and ate the food supply and dead soldiers
· Repartitions-dividing
· Revolution-A revolution occurred in Russia in 1917 causing the country to leave WWI
· Russia-this country declared war on Austria-Hungary, but took two to three weeks to mobilize the troops
· Serbia-Austria-Hungary originally declared war on Serbia
· Stalemate-a draw
· Trench-Most of the war was fought in tranches
· UN-The League of Nations was the first "world government". It later lead to the UN
· Versailles-The treaty of Versailles ended WWI
· Wilhelm-The Kaiser of Germany
· Wilson-President of the US during WWI. Wilson's reason for entering WWI was to "make the world safer for democracy"
· Armistice-A truce
· Austria-Hungary a member of the Central Powers located south of Germany
· Belgium-a neutral country that Germany invaded
· Big Bertha- German Gun
· Blockade-a collection of ships surrounding a port so supplies cannot get in or out
· Bonds-Loans to the government to help fund the war effort.
· Czar-Leader of Russia
· Democracy-a government where the people have representation
· Dugout-an area within a trench which provided shelter to the soldiers
· Enlist-to join the army voluntarily
· Franz Ferdinand-The arch duke whose assassination started WWI
· Food-the British definition of war goods included food. Since this item was included in the definition, many German's starved during the time of the British Blockade
· France-most of the war was fought in France
· German Kaiser Wilhelm II- the LAST Kaiser of Germany
· Harlem Hellfighters- an all Black division of the US army (received the French Military's highest honor)
· Herbert Hoover-the director of the Food Administration that later became president
· Imperialism-the act of taking over others lands
· Lusitania-A British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat because it was believed to carry war goods.
· Mexico-a country that according to the Zimmerman Note might have declared war on America if the US declared war on Germany
· Militarism-the belief of a country that it should maintain a strong military
· Monarchy-a government where the supreme overlord was a King or Queen
· Nationalism-having pride in one's country
· Neutral-A nation not fighting in a war
· Paris-Germany's original goal was to invade this city as quickly as possible
· Pershing-general of the US army
· Propaganda-information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
· Rats-these animals inhabited the trenches and ate the food supply and dead soldiers
· Repartitions-dividing
· Revolution-A revolution occurred in Russia in 1917 causing the country to leave WWI
· Russia-this country declared war on Austria-Hungary, but took two to three weeks to mobilize the troops
· Serbia-Austria-Hungary originally declared war on Serbia
· Stalemate-a draw
· Trench-Most of the war was fought in tranches
· UN-The League of Nations was the first "world government". It later lead to the UN
· Versailles-The treaty of Versailles ended WWI
· Wilhelm-The Kaiser of Germany
· Wilson-President of the US during WWI. Wilson's reason for entering WWI was to "make the world safer for democracy"